Introduction to the project
This term my writing project in Creating Media Production will be the form of a chapbook. The chapbook will include my drawing and poems. I have looked at the structures of a poetry and found the one I will follow. The chapbook will contain up to 15 poems and pictures in between.
The chapbooks are made cheaply to entertain, contained poetry or other creating writing. "Pages that come before the main text such as the copyright page, title page, table of contents, dedication, epigraph, introduction, and foreword are referred to as "front matter" in publishing. Pages in back like acknowledgments and about the author—you got it—"back matter." (Hart,2022). Chapbook usually contain around 15 to 30 poems. In today's world we work mostly online but there is a still a chance to print them out or make them the old way.
"Poet Jackie Kay writes that “[chapbooks] are the connoisseur's version of a very tasty starter. Straight away, they give you a sense of somebody, an idea of their voice, just enough to make you know that you'd like more — or not.” In other words, a chapbook is the perfect way for a newcomer to break into the literary industry." (What is a Chapbook? (And Should You Publish One?), no date).
The interesting part about the exercise is that you can bring out your potential when you really get involved and dedicate yourself when doing any of the creative work.
Form and Theme
The theme of my chapbook will be journey in time and I will explore the importance of mindset. I will write a prose and mix it up with poems and include pictures and maybe drawings. According to Jesse Loren "A chapbook is a universe, and the poet is the solar designer. The planets and moons, no matter how far out, need to follow their own laws of gravity. From the quark to the gravitational force, it needs to make sense to the poet or editor, even if it remains a mystery for the audience."( Brever, 2008).
The chapbook is a short book and a good chapbook takes the reader through the journey and makes the reader willing to read again and again.
Brewer, R.L. (2008)
Poets Helping Poets: What Makes a Great Chapbook?, Writer’s Digest. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2024).
Hart, E. (2022)
Writing Your First Poetry Collection: How to Write a Poem Book, Elyse Hart Poetry. Available at: (Accessed: 11 February 2024).
Thomas, D. (1951) Do not go gentle into that good night, Available at:
What is a Chapbook? (And Should You Publish One?) (no date) Reedsy. Available at: