Friday, February 16, 2024

Chapbook Creation: Process one

I have previously done my cover for the book and continue with adding my pages and I have started with the title and my name and added copyright to the next page of my book. For the title and name I used "29LT Riwaya Informal" font and in 48pts but on the other page the copyright and my name underneath I used "Cards" font and 28pts on both.

Adding table contents of my book to the next page and quotation on the other side. I have used graphic to go with the quotation from Canva. 

The text that I added was in "29LT Riwaya Informal" font and the titles I used 48pts but the content text in 28pts. Image added from Unsplash free image photographs.

The same font I have used for the content text and I have aded pages numbers to each of page in the corner.

Adding one after another adding photos, graphics and text. Organised and created so it looks interesting. The book started to become more like a book now and I am pleased of the mix of images and graphics. I can see the progress and the last chapter coming to the end.

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