Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Above & Below: Class Practice

 Today we completed a class practice task called 'Above and Below' to practice taking high and low angle portraits and practice the setting on the camera. Aperture, ISO and exposure compensation were the settings we have used.

Then we went out on campus and made our own portrait shoots of our colleagues. I have practice with 2 other students the low and the high-angle portrait photos.

Once we came back I created contact sheets on Photoshop by clicking 'File' then automate and next clicked on contact sheet. I choose the file I created on desktop with all the images. 

After I looked at the EXIF details of the images I will go through some of the angles of the shoots and explain how the function and settings works.

                                                F3.5 , ISO 400, 1/640, FL 20mm, EXP 0.7 

In this low-angle image I used wide aperture of  F3.5 because it was shady I used ISO on 400. The background works well with the darkness and the woman profile around the trees. There is not any other distraction. I think that it is a great posed image working well with the sunless and a bit creepy background.

                                                  F3.5, ISO 200, 1/400, FL 20mm, EXP 0.7 

I picked this photo as my favorite. I prefer in black & white but on this one you can see more clear the light and shade. I used again aperture F3.5 with  ISO on 200 as it was lots of light coming in. It was nice and sunny view but partly shady what made it quite interesting background to the portrait image. That is a high-angle photo. The woman looks like she is waiting for someone, hiding on the side of the building. There is some enigma in this image.  

1 comment:

  1. You need to explain the functions here in the introduction to show understanding and you also need to create your final outcome on Pixlr as discussed in class - please add this


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