Monday, October 9, 2023

Solo Sequential Images

My sequential images:

 I used my Galaxy S23 Ultra to make quick photos of my dog called Summer.

I created a contact sheet using the contact sheet generator and then I created canvas of 5 photographs using Canva app.

Reflecting on this set of images I wanted to express the love and happiness that dog gives me through the eyes. The love is unconditional and so strong that only dog can give. My inspirational photographer Duane Michals says: “Trust that little voice in your head that says 'Wouldn't it be interesting if...'; And then do it.”


Duane Michals, on what we feel (no date) Harvey Benge. Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023). (2023a) QuotesInspiring Quotes. Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

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