Monday, October 16, 2023

Final Project Initial Ideas

 I will be studying Mandarin language. I would do some research.

"Mandarin or Putonghua is the most common dialect used in China and has been adopted as a second language by those who speak other Chinese dialects. The official language of China, Mandarin is the dialect taught in Chinese schools." Chinese Language - EthnoMed

Mandarin language is getting more and more popular and it is a global language. It is the hardest language to study but in a bigger picture it is a huge opportunity for me.

"Mandarin is becoming even more popular

As the world becomes increasingly globalized, Mandarin has become a top language to study around the world and at every level. Starting as early as Kindergarten, schools in the West are teaching students Mandarin. Gearing up for increased business relations with China, it’s never too early to start learning such a widespread language."

 7 facts that make Mandarin the most fascinating language (

I am a person who is not afraid of any challenges and is openminded, wondering what future will bring. There is many interesting videos around if you know where to look for it. I found this video that if I spend daily 15 minutes it could help to boost and learn quicker the languages.

I think I will explore spiritual side of China. I will concentrate on Buddhism in Modern China.


Admin (2023) 7 facts that make Mandarin the most fascinating language, Internships Abroad. Available at:,many%20as%20nine%20distinct%20tones. (Accessed: 30 October 2023).

Chinese language (2020) EthnoMed. Available at:,dialect%20taught%20in%20Chinese%20schools. (Accessed: 30 October 2023).

(No date) FY 2021 training catalog - Available at: (Accessed: 30 October 2023).


  1. You have some ideas here but you need to add your milanote and your smart objective before i see you for project sign off please try to complete these this coming week

  2. Please also customise your blog as we discussed

  3. You have not added any extra work here or customised the blog please try to do this so you are ready to sign off your project


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